ARC supports the use of both Windows Terminal Servers and HPC clusters.
If you are unsure of what resources you need access to, feel free to schedule a short consultation with ARC staff.
When using any ARC maintained computational resources for undergraduate or graduate research, please acknowledge us!
Windows Terminal Servers
Access to the ARC Windows Terminal Servers are based on computational needs.
Each Windows Terminal Server account request will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Turing Cluster
The Turing high-performance computing system provides 3,492 CPUs and 60 different NVIDIA GPUs, distributed over 42 nodes with high-speed Infiniband interconnects. This cluster is intended for research intensive computational science, specifically applications that are able to make use of its special capabilities (distributed memory applications, multi-CPU SMP parallelization, or GPU acceleration). Those who cannot or do not intend to use these capabilities should use other systems.
Each Turing account request will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Last Updated on June 23, 2023