Please request access to the Windows terminal servers via our Windows Server account request form, and we will assist you with determining which server will best fit your needs.
To connect to the servers, please see the Connecting to the Servers section at the bottom of this page.
ARC Research Servers
The ARC research servers provide access to research software like Ansys/Fluent, COMSOL, and MATLAB. The ARC research servers are as follows:
Not all of the servers have the same software, please check multiple servers to see if the software is available before making an installation request.
For heavy MATLAB and other mathematical computations, please use the following servers instead of the arc-research servers:
ARC Teaching and Lab Servers
The ARC teaching and lab servers provide access to academic software for coursework and some MQPs (not company-sponsored research, however—request access to the ARC research servers for that!).
The ARC teaching and lab servers include:
Math Teaching Servers
For Mathematical Sciences courses, ARC offers the Math Teaching servers:
The ELabs servers provide a general, open-use server environment for software such as SolidWorks and R Studio. These servers have open access to everyone.
To connect to the ELabs servers, please use remote desktop to connect to:
Connecting to the Servers
To connect to the ARC Windows terminal servers from a Windows or Mac machine, please use the Remote Desktop app to connect to the server hostname. Use your WPI email credentials to log in to the server.
Mac Users: As of the macOS Sequoia update, the Private MAC Address setting is enabled by default, which will prevent you from connecting to the ARC servers and some other resources on the WPI network. To disable this setting for the WPI network, please follow the Disable Private Address for iOS instructions.
On Linux machines, please install and use Remmina (not SSH):
Server Best Practices and Policies
Please do not save your work to the servers. When you have completed your work for the day, please back up your data to your lab’s research share or to your WPI OneDrive account.
When you are finished using a COMSOL or Abaqus session, please close out of the software to free up access tokens for everyone else, as we only have a limited supply available for simultaneous use.
For more information, please visit:
For online, self-paced Canvas resources for academic software on the ARC servers, sign up for our Canvas pages: ,
Last Updated on March 17, 2025