Welcome to the WPI HPC Resources documentation!¶
- Introduction
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Running Jobs
- How do I run my jobs?
- Why isn't my job running?
- User X has 20 jobs running, while I only submitted one job and it is pending. Why does user X get to run 20 jobs while my job waits?
- Why does my GPU code say there are no CUDA devices available?
- My job runs more slowly on the cluster than it does on my laptop/workstation/server. Why is the cluster so slow?
- Storage
- Software
- Python
- Running Jobs
- HPC Cluster Overview
- Connecting
- Storage
- Data Movement
- Software
- Python
- Submitting and Running Jobs
- Slurm
- Basic Commands
- Resource Requests
- Batch Job Submissions
- Matlab Example
- More Advanced Slurm Commands Show Running Jobs
- Show Detailed Running Job Output (using output formatting flag and values)
- Show State of Nodes
- Show Detailed State of Nodes (using output formatting flag and values)
- Cancel Jobs
- Show State and Resource Request of Job
- Show Priority of Queued Jobs
- Show Detailed Priority of Queued Jobs (using output formatting flag and values)
- Show Fairshare Usage
- Slurm