
User Environment


All of the software on the clusters are managed through environment modules.

While the way users interact with and modify their environment is the same on both Ace and Turing, it is important to note that each cluster has a different set of modules. There is likely overlap, but there is no garauntee that an application available on Turing will also be available on Ace. Software requests can be made on the HPC Slack channel, or by emailing

Module Commands

The following are the most common commands used to modify your environment:

command result
module avail show available modules
module list show currently loaded modules
module add <module> add a module to your environment for this session
module initadd <module> configure module to be loaded at every login
module initrm <module> opposite of initadd above

where <module> is the name of the relevant software package or library you would like to use.

Global System Installations

Most commonly used packages are installed and maintained by ARC staff. This includes math libraries, various versions of MPI, Python installations, and all commercial software.

Any trouble using the software installed by ARC staff should be reported on either the mailing list, Slack channel, or by sending an email to

Unreported problems cannot be solved!

Local User Installations

Users of Ace and Turing are welcome to perform custom software installations in their home directories. ARC staff may assist in compilation of custom or unusual software, but cannot fully support or troubleshoot user installations of libraries or packages.

Installation of software by each user is an at your own risk option.


This is a complicated topic that has an entire section dedicated to it. Please refer to the full technical documentation on using Python on Ace and Turing.