Once you are logged in, you can load the LS-DYNA module:
module load lsdyna/8.1
After the software is loaded, and you have transferred your input files, you can submit jobs using the slsdyna command:
slsdyna -N 1 -n 8 -t 12:00 -i boundary_pre_motion_blowmold.k
You can ask for multiple compute nodes, memory, and CPUs. The options can be listed using the --help flag:
short / long flag | purpose and usage |
-h / --help | show this help message and exit |
-i INPF / --input=INPF | LS-DYNA input file (INPUT.k) |
-l LOGF / --logfile=LOGF | Log file for LS-DYNA output |
-e ERR / --error=ERR | Error file |
-p PART / --partition=PART | Partition (queue) for resource request |
-t TIME / --walltime=TIME | Job run time (HOURS:MINUTES) |
-m MEM / --memory=MEM | LS-DYNA memory (in GB) |
-E / --exclusive | Exclusive compute node request |
-N NODES / --nodes=NODES | Number of nodes |
-n NTASKS / --ntasks-per-node=NTASKS | Number of MPI ranks per node |
-T THREADS / --threads=THREADS | OpenMP threads per MPI rank |
-C CONST / --constraint=CONST | Hardware constraint (Slurm Feature) |
LS-DYNA scales very well on the cluster.